The Cherupushpam Mission League is an indigenous lay missionary organization, established on 3rd October 1947 at Bharananganam, in the diocese of Pala (Then diocese of Changanacherry). Cherupushpam Mission League have a lively branch at St.Sebastians church Panayampala.
Mission League is a base for the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual development of Children. He who said “Let children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”- Jesus Christ wants all of us to be light of the world. But only if you are one with Jesus you can share his light and be a light to the world. As Jesus said: “I am the light of the world; those who follow me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).
Mission League at St.Sebastians church gives children the right guidance through Catechism, ‘Vishvasolsavam’, Prayer services and Charity works. Directions are given to teachers by our Vicar and Sisters of Little workers of Sacred Heart.MISSION LEAGUE HEADS

Director : Rev. Fr. Saiju Aiyankary
Animator : Sr. Roja LWSH
Regional Organizer :
Junior Organizers :
President : Aldrin Aby Kattukunnel
Vice President :
Secretary : Maryown R Kunnipparampan
Join Secretary : Ashley Kallupurackal
Treasurer : Abin Kanjikkavil